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Fem21's blend of rich greens, superfoods, herbs and antioxidants supports your body to be its best.

This unique formulation may support healthy oestrogen metabolism and promote progesterone production, while addressing the function of the entire endocrine system including adrenal glands, thyroid and ovaries. The liver and digestive cleansing herbs, probiotics and fibre may keep everything running efficiently, from the elimination of toxins, to the absorption of nutrients while supporting a healthy gut and microbiome. Alkalising greens provide a variety of powerful nutrients that may boost your energy, control inflammation and reduce oxidative stress.

In conjunction with a healthy diet and lifestyle, the Naturopathic formula of Fem21 has been developed to point your body in the right direction to regain balance, health and vitality.
  • Vegan
  • Gluten free
  • Dairy free
  • Soy free
  • Sugar free
  • Non GMO
  • No fillers


Ingredients per 10g scoop

  • Pysllium: Plantago afra (seed husks) 1000mg
  • Milk Thistle: Sylibum marianum (seed powder) 1000mg
  • Slippery Elm: Ulmus rubra (Inner bark) 800mg
  • Licorice: Glycyrrhiza glabra (root) 800mg
  • Multi Strain Probiotics: (fermented from: mung beans, brown rice, red lentils, chick peas, linseed, alfalfa seed, millet, quinoa & filtered water) 800mg
  • Withania: Withania somnifera (root) aka Ashwaganda 750mg
  • Chaste Tree: Vitex agnus-castus (berry) 500mg
  • Siberian Ginseng: Eleutherococcus senticosus (root) 500mg
  • Barley Grass: Hordeum vulgare (sprout) 500mg
  • Wheatgrass: Thinopyrum intermedium (sprout) 500mg
  • Rosemary: Rosmarinus officinalis (leaves) 500mg
  • Lemon: Citrus limon, (whole fruit including peel) 500mg
  • Broccoli powder: Brassica oleacea var. italica (whole plant - not sprout) 400mg
  • Ginger: Zingiber officinale (root) 300mg
  • Raspberry: Rubus idaeus (fruit & seed) 300mg
  • Pomegranate: Punica granatum (fruit & seed) 250mg
  • Dandelion Root Powder: Taraxacum officinalis (root) 250mg
  • Bladderwrack: Fucus vesiculosus (frond) 200mg
  • Cinnamon: Cinnamon zeylanicum (bark) 70mg
  • Stevia: Stevia rebaudiana (leaf) 40mg
  • Black Cohosh: Cimicifuga racemosa (root) 40mg


  • Not recommended if using Hormonal contraceptives such as the oral contraceptive pill (OCP), implant devices (Implanon or Nuva Ring), or contraceptive injections (Depo Vera) as it may decrease the contraceptive action – can be used safely with an intra-uterine-device (IUD) both the progesterone or Copper IUD. 
  • Not recommended for use in pregnancy, especially after 12 weeks – may be used at a ½ dose in the first trimester if previously taking Fem21 prior to getting pregnant.
  • Not recommended whilst exclusively breastfeeding, generally safe after baby is 6 months.
  • If using medication we recommend separating the dose of Fem21 by 2 hours due to it's high fibre content
  • Not recommended if undergoing active treatment for hormonal dependent cancers

Discuss use with your doctor or health care practitioner if you have any concerns or are on medication which may interact

LifeStart Naturopathics Fem21 300g


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