This grounding meditation marries a simple spiritual hygiene practice with the new biology, using grounding techniques as well as quantum healing from the sun to positively affect our etheric & biological bodies. In our busy modern life, it’s difficult to fit in all the things we know we need. This is why I started meditating whilst grounding barefoot in the day light so I could in fact, fit it all in! It turned out to be such a dynamic practice that is so essential for my wellbeing, I was inspired to share it.
You can download this PDF & print it out or have it on your phone for easy acsess.
Once you read the steps of this meditation a few times, you’ll find it easy to remember & you’ll be able to do this anywhere, a beach, a park, near a waterfall.
For more information on this grounding meditation you can read more here
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If you would like to purchase the A2 poster that comes with a written A5 printout of the meditation you can do so here
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